We are excited to dance with you soon in Dallas!
Please read through the information below for details about the weekend.
The workshop schedule and competition lineup for the weekend are available to view and download below.
*Schedule and lineup are subject to change. The most up to date competition lineup will always be linked here!
Competition Music
A dropbox folder will be sent to the email address your registered with later this evening. Please upload all of your competition music to your studio’s folder by Wednesday, February 12. If you are having trouble uploading please email us ASAP so we can help get you set up.
Awards & Critiques
Awards for all competition will be held during the Opening Ceremony on Saturday afternoon. Overall and Specialty awards will be announced during our Closing Ceremony following classes on Sunday. Judges’ critiques will be sent to studio owners via dropbox and score sheets from competition will be available for pick up at our merchandise booth on Sunday.
Scholarship Auditions
Auditions for scholarships will be held at 10:30am on Sunday in respective ballrooms according to dancers’ ages. All registered dancers are welcome to audition. Please note that scholarship auditions are held by age and NOT level registration. This is a closed audition. Teachers, observers, and dancers not participating will not be allowed to be in the ballroom during this time.